How to add cors protection to an express application

Photo by Paolo Syiaco on Unsplash

Cors protection is a recommended security configuration for any api. It protects your customers from unexpected attacks by blocking websites you haven't approved.

If you have a devOps team they will handle this for you. But if you are a single maker with an application on Heroku and front end on Netlify you need to implement this yourself.

Like most things in express, there's a package you can install to add cors protection to your application and with a tiny bit of configuration you'll be set.

First install the package (>)

> yarn add cors

Add a new file to your application in /middleware

import cors from "cors";

const starterCorsProtection = () => {
  const whitelist = getList();
  const corsOptions = {
    credentials: true,
    optionsSuccessStatus: 200, // some legacy browsers (IE11, various SmartTVs) choke on 204
    origin: whitelist,

  return cors(corsOptions);

const getList = (): string[] => {
  const corsSetting = process.env.CORS_ALLOWED_HOSTS || "";
  return corsSetting.split(",");

export default starterCorsProtection;

Here I have a getList() method that checks your environment for a list of urls to allow.

The environment setting (in .env file) looks like this for my local host for example.

CORS_ALLOWED_HOSTS="http://localhost:3000, https://localhost:3000"

It might look like this for production


The cors() method takes an options object and the configuration is as follows.

  • "credentials: true" sets the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header. This lets us use credentials on ajax requests.
  • "optionsSuccessStatus: 200" helps cors works on more devices.
  • "origin: whitelist" sets the list of allowed urls to the list we set on getList().

Now import the starterCors in your express configuration. Here I use it on every route with "app.use(starterCors);" You also need to specifically use it in the options methods so DELETE requests work.

const starterCors = starterCorsConfiguration();
app.options("*", starterCors);

You can see this in action on my starter source code @

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